If You're Grieving a Loss, There is Help

Everyone grieves differently, and while there's no right or wrong way to grieve, you may need help from others. 

Grief from a suicide loss is unique and complicated. You may experience intense feelings of shock, despair, fear, anger, relief, guilt, or shame. These feelings are normal, even if they are directed at the person who died. This doesn't mean you didn't love them. 

While there is no right or wrong way to grieve, sometimes the grief can be so overpowering that it becomes unhealthy. You may need help from a grief counselor or support group, and there is no shame in reaching out for assistance. Children also grieve differently than adults and may need specialized help to cope with the loss in a way that is developmentally appropriate for their age. Suicide grief support groups allow you to share your story and talk openly about suicide with people who really understand. It's important you reach out for support and help if you are struggling with the loss. 


Losing a loved one to suicide presents special problems in grieving, such as experiencing more shock, a greater sense of injustice, more guilt and blame, and a heightened sense of helplessness, all of which can complicate the grieving process. A safe place exists for survivors of suicide loss to share their story with others who are experiencing similar thoughts and feelings. 

There are many options for grief support and education. The Speedy Foundation offers the support group listings for suicide loss survivors as a public service and does not run, recommend, endorse, or fund any of the groups listed below. We do not monitor individual groups and only update information as it is made available to us. Some of these organizations offer suicide loss grief support groups, while others are more generalized bereavement groups. You may also find suicide loss support groups on social media. We encourage you to reach out to as many support groups as you need until finding one that you feel comfortable with.


Survivor of Suicide Loss Care Kit

Grief from a suicide loss is unique and complicated.This kit includes helpful resources and self-care essentials to help you and your loved ones navigate this emotional time.

Get Your Complimentary Care Kit Today
  • A Hanbook for Coping with Suicide Grief

    This handbook is written for people who've lost a loved one to suicide, written by someone who has suffered the same kind of loss.

    Order here 
  • Children, Teens, and Suicide Loss

    This toolkit from the Dougy Center and AFSP offers strategies and best practices for supporting young survivors of suicide loss.

    Order here 
  • Help and Support After Suicide

    This pamphlet provides information, promotes healing, and connects you to helpful resources. It also addresses how to help someone who's grieving.

    Order here